Wednesday, December 18, 2013

"Party of One....Plus dog"

 Today has been a difficult day for me emotionally. Everyone seems to have a mate or a significant other. I have been picky. I have trust issues and a "broke picker". Believe me I've had offers, but I want an educated man in my life not some camo-wearing redneck. Rednecks are all I see down here. HP forgive me but that's how I feel.

 Having a pity party and writing down my feelings. Plus my back still hurts from a work injury. Why do I always feel this way? It's possibly a character defect that I always am the odd woman out. The outsider. Saw Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" the other night and I belong with the misfits. Even at work some of my fellow co-workers give me weird looks, like I'm nuts. Now...time to get into the solution. I'm heading to a meeting tonight. As bad as I feel my soul will feel better.

More will be revealed...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Vampires, Werewolves, and Alcoholism Part 2

 Part 2 My take on all of the hoopla surrounding vampires is this: They are dependent on human blood. They are lonely creatures who isolate and have this dark romantic side. Some can come out only at night, others, well can function in daylight.

 I remember the worst days of my addiction. Waking up in the middle of the night, looking up at the stars, and writing poetry. Feeling horrible like my body would cave in when I didn't drink. My take on all of this is metaphoric rather than physical. Now that I'm in recovery and leading a life again I still enjoy the different vampire dramas. My parents think I'm nuts, but I'm alright w/that today. Who wouldn't want to look young forever, have superhuman strength and quick reflexes? It's a very seductive quality that draws us to these stories. As my friend said recently, I'm from the land of the not-quite-right, where everything's alright...Because I know what I'm about and my friends in recovery accept me.

More will be revealed....